June 8

FinOps: More than just cloud resources and tooling

Dev-Aware FinOps is a novel approach to both engineering cost optimization and reporting. In this talk we’ll introduce this emerging category that all engineering leaders should know and think about. We’ll show how modern tooling leverages data to understand investment in key projects and optimize developer team efficiency, without the unnecessary friction and toil.
Talk abstract

The buzzword “FinOps” is tossed around a lot in modern engineering organizations, particularly in times like these when markets take a downturn, and every organizational penny needs to be justified. Too often, however, this focuses on engineering spend on developer tooling and cloud resources, and ignores the much more costly aspect of our engineering—our human time and resources. 

Dev-Aware FinOps is a novel approach to both engineering cost optimization and reporting. In this talk, we’ll introduce this emerging category, and show how modern tooling leverages data to understand how to optimize team efficiency.

Join this talk to learn:

  • Why FinOps?
  • Common definition and what's missing
  • Novel way to think about optimizing cost and resources
  • Dev-aware FinOps—practically in data and numbers
  • Tools/tips/best practices for SREs & Engineering Managers to optimize engineering spend