June 8

You built an internal platform. So what, now what?

You've celebrated the first parts of your Internal Developer Platform. Users are migrating to your workflows, but suddenly uptake stalls. Your developers don't want to use them because they just want to deploy code! So what, now what? We will quickly walk through the cultural impacts I've seen after building internal platforms at three different companies - and what you can expect and avoid.
Talk abstract

My talk last year went through the importance of a TPM in building the Internal Developer Platform. Now, we'll talk about how you take the successes of that platform and how to scale them.

Typically, you'll find your early adopters jump on board quickly. If you're wise, you make your paved paths the defaults and teams add friction to go around them. Maybe you do things like deploy your starter kits by default in new repos even.

But what about those that came before - the ones typically delivering revenue for your company and also those with potentially legacy apps?

Oh and there will be a silly handful of Star Wars or Star Trek references.