June 8

Ensuring business continuity with embedded SRE tools and incident management

Our SRE approach embedded in our platform includes an uptime modeling process that enables architectural reviews and reliability checks along with required processes for critical applications, load testing tools, centralized alert management, runbooks, and complete auditing of events to aid in troubleshooting. These elements are built into the platform to provide a robust approach to reliability engineering.
Talk abstract

Reliability is a critical aspect of any platform approach, with the goal of reducing cognitive load and simplifying delivery. Ensuring high availability is essential for a system running on your platform, as it directly impacts both developers and end-users.

Join us in our session to learn more about our SRE practices and tools. We'll discuss how we've integrated these practices into our platform to promote a culture of reliability, reduce downtime, and improve the satisfaction of our developers and end-users. Don't miss the opportunity to discover how we've achieved high availability and learn how you can do the same for your platform.